Welcome to our Church


Thanks so much for visiting our website! Along with introducing you to our church, we hope that you will find resources to encourage your faith in Jesus, opportunities to build community with like-minded believers, and avenues to serve with your God-given talents. If you have any questions, we would love for you to reach out to one of our staff.
非常感謝您訪問我們洛杉磯靈糧教會的網站! 除了向您介紹我們的教會,我們也希望您能找到激勵您對認識主耶穌的訊息,並且有機會和主內的弟兄姊妹一同團契分享,以及使用主賜給您的恩賜在祂的教會中。如果您有任何問題,請聯繫我們的教牧同工,我們會很樂意的幫助您!
We are thankful for the way that God has enriched our ministry through His Spirit in each of our three congregations. Our common desire is that we will honor Jesus in all that we do. We invite you to join us in this journey. Please feel free to visit us, give us a call, or contact us through email.


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