Special Needs Ministry

Here at Bread of Life our desire is for each student in our ministries to grow and flourish in their love for the Lord and love for one another, and we aim to come alongside our students and their families in this journey.

We recognize that each student in our ministry is unique. For some of our students that means that they have special needs that aren’t naturally met within the structure of our Children & Youth ministries. To better serve our students with special needs, our Children & Youth ministries we have established a procedure that seeks to establish strong communication between parents and our volunteers so that students with special needs can thrive in our ministries.

We have a form that will provide us with information that helps us to understand your student better and to make modifications to his/her class/group. This is the initiation of a dialogue between us and your family that will continue as long as your student is a part of BOL’s student ministries.

If you have questions about this please contact Faith Tsai ( faithtsai@breadoflifechurch.org ) or Will Tai ( williamtai@breadoflifechurch.org )

*The information in this form will only be accessible to Faith and Will. We will only share it with the volunteers who are serving your student.

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