2020 Theme

20/20 Vision: Living With God's Perspective

Everyday People With Exceptional Vision (January - April)

The New Testament writers consistently remind us to learn from the Old Testament characters. By taking a closer look into their lives, we gain a realistic appraisal of who they are (both their strengths as well as their weaknesses). But, more importantly, we learn from them how to anchor our everyday passions and decisions in our vision of God.

Speaking for God: Hearing the Prophets (April - August)

Living in a cultural climate where everyone does whatever seems right to them, God strategically and wisely positions us to deliver an authoritative word from heaven. Like the biblical prophets, we must first listen to God before we speak for him. That listening entails both hearing and doing the truth that God commands.

Ephesians: Gospel-Worthy Living (September - December)

As we bless the God who has already blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ, our faith community now blesses the world when we are filled with the Spirit and point others to the Gospel. At the end of the day, it's all about yielding ourselves to God's Spirit so that the entirety of our life brings praise to our crucified, risen, and exalted Messiah.

For more video recordings of our sermons, please visit our YouTube page: