2023 差傳年會 Missions Conference

2023 年 10 月 4 日 | 國語堂


中文部分 —

主題:成為主的見證﹑行完我的路程 Be The Witness Of The Lord, And Finish My Race



● 戴洸華牧師 Rev. David Tai  1956年出生於台北市,在台灣民間宗教信仰家庭成長。 1976年重生得救,被主耶穌十字架的愛和祂的同在深深吸引,把自己完全的奉獻給主。在台北馬偕紀念醫院及台東基督教醫院從事醫學檢驗工作三年。 1982年蒙召全時間服事,在台東及高雄牧會,同時也參與監獄佈道事工將近10年。 1995年應邀來到洛杉磯擔任牧職至今。 2001年和洛杉磯不同教會牧者,同心委身於禱告、復興、宣教,開始「改變歷史40天」及「回家過年」 25天連續佈道行動,後來牧者們就成立了「福聯使命團」 。 2004年南亞海嘯瞬間奪走23萬條人命,華牧師深切的禱告,經過5年的等候神,聖靈帶領教會以「一會愛一族」的宣教策略,開始東南亞咖啡族跨文化宣教之路。

周逸方牧師 Rev. Robert Chou  畢業於清華大學,碩士學位。來美後,獲美國布魯克林大學電腦博士學位。曾任職於「貝爾通訊實驗室」及普林斯頓「西門子機械人科學研究室」。1991 與關得年牧師同工全職服事福樂之家2004年建立大LA教會網絡及北美好消息電視台。


▸ 10/20 (週五) 7:30 PM | 實體聚會/網上直播 鏈接
信息 1. 成為主的見證Be The Witness Of The Lord

▸ 10/21 (週六) 9:00 AM | 實體聚會/網上直播 鏈接
專題 1. 虛擬現實與福音宣教 VR & Evangelism

▸ 10/21 (週六) 11:00 AM | 實體聚會/網上直播 鏈接
專題 2. 人工智慧的應用 The Application of AI

▸ 10/22 (主日) 9:00 AM | 實體聚會 (教會 129/135 室)
聯合主日學 (國語堂) 短宣本地外展分享

  1. 土耳其短宣 Turkish STM – 胡宇康傳道
  2. 本地阿富汗家庭事工 Local Afghanistan Families Ministry – 李淑蘭姐妹
  3. 緬甸蠟戍學生中心 Myanmar Student Center – 金保羅牧師

▸ 10/22 (主日) 11:15 AM (國語堂崇拜)實體聚會/網上直播 鏈接
信息 2. 行完我的路程 Finish My Race


English —

We look forward to having Ted Esler, president of Missio Nexus, for this year’s Missions Conference as he speaks on the theme, Revealing The Great Commission in Scripture and Its Application Today. Missio Nexus is an association of agencies and churches representing over 50,000 Great Commission workers worldwide, and Dr Esler became president and CEO in 2015 after serving in executive leadership with Pioneers USA and Pioneers Canada. He previously worked in the computer industry and served in Sarajevo, Bosnia, during the 1990s. His most recent book is The Innovation Crisis, Creating Disruptive Influence in the Ministry you Lead. He and his wife, Annette, have five children and have been active in establishing The Living Room Orlando, a house church network in Florida.

Everyone is welcome to attend in person or join the live stream. Click on the session to watch the live stream. All sessions will be in English only, and the Mandarin & Chinese congregations will have a different conference speaker.


▸ SESSION 1: Friday, October 20 @ 7:30 PM – The Model (John 20:21)

▸ DINNER POTLUCK: Saturday, October 21 @ 5:00 PM – bring a dish to share with others

▸ SESSION 2: Saturday, October 21 @ 6:30 PM – The Magnitude (Mark 16:15)

▸ SESSION 3: Saturday, October 21 @ 8:00 PM – The Method (Matthew 28:18-20)

▸ SESSION 4: Sunday, October 22 @ 9:15 AM – The Message (Luke 24:44-49)

▸ SESSION 5: Sunday, October 22 @ 11:15 AM – The Means (Acts 1:8)