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Today Matters Forever

August 14, 2021 | Dan Low

The prospect of turning 60 later this year has made me a bit nostalgic. Coming to Bread of Life when Christopher was only 15 months old and a full year before Jonathan was born, Helen and I are increasingly grateful to God for every single person in our church who has poured into their lives.

Whether it’s been throughout the year with our Sunday school teachers and youth counselors or during memorable week-long events like VBS and YSC, there are so many individuals who have left an indelible mark on their hearts. Our kids have been truly and forever blessed with so many aunties, uncles, mentors, friends, and leaders who have graciously loved them for the glory of God.

That reality enhances my own appreciation for Faith and Will who faithfully lead our children and youth ministries, respectively. Along with navigating their way through the online experience and in-person activities, they have modified their approach and shepherded their teams through a very rewarding Vacation Bible School and Youth Summer Camp. I am hopeful and confident that our students as well as their parents will always treasure these moments – and its spiritually formative influence on their family.

In the midst of this enduring pandemic, many of us feel a sustained anxiety. The good news is that we can release our fears to God. Knowing that our Father in heaven finishes the work that he starts in us (key text for this year’s VBS = Philippians 1:6) and suiting up with the full armor that he provides us in Christ (this year’s YSC theme comes from Ephesians 6), the Holy Spirit displaces our fears with his courageous peace. That peace comes when we rest in the sovereign hand of our Father that works all things together for good and when we tap into the strong protection from our Savior.

Whatever our age, let’s put on the shoes of the gospel of God’s peace through his Son and build lasting memories in our church family by his Spirit.